How Balanced Are You?

Well we have heard it quite a lot, make sure to have a balanced diet. But what does that really mean in reality? It really means that not too much of anyone thing in your diet. Here is a simple example of what I am talking about. Fruit is important to have as part of…

Feeling Sleepy Yet?

  Well last weeks blog was all about the importance of getting enough light in your life, but as it turns out having enough darkness in our life is equally as important to the healthy mind and body. Without realising it what all this artificial light in our lives has done, which I also made…

Get Out There and Lighten Up

Apologies for being a bit quiet on the blog front of late.It appears according to a recent US university study that getting out there into the wilderness is of benefit to you. We live in a world of artificial light that plays havoc with our natural rhythm, we are being kept awake when we should…